Thursday, January 15, 2009

Genetic Mapping of Canines May Prove Useful to Humans

Humans are like dogs in many ways;both can contract diseases like diabetes, cancer, and epilepsy. Scientists first mapped a poodle's genes but only came up 80% complete. Scientist have recently completely mapped a boxer's genes. They noticed that only one gene can mutate and cause a disease, which caused a similar disease in human. Now with this information, scientists have a better handle on what has caused certain diseases in humans.

This is a medical breakthrough. If we can find out what causes the diseases in dogs, we can cure them in humans as well. It can greatly help mankind, but I think it might not have helped much since certain breeds of dogs are different in many ways. Those scientists may need to do more studies on other breeds to be completely sure.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Don't let the sun catch you tanning!

Safe tanning is a myth, according to U.S. and British researchers. They say that tanning causes DNA damage that could lead to cancer. The worst cancer from tanning, malignant melanoma, is caused by too much ultraviolet radiation, but having no sun is just as bad. Ultraviolet radiation causes the body to produce Vitamin D, though it takes less exposure to do this than it takes to tan.

People can expose themselves to ultraviolet radiation in moderation if they want to be healthy, but there should be laws preventing too much exposure. If not, people could develop certain cancers that could kill. Malignant melanoma, the worst skin cancer from tanning, claims 60,000 people a year. This has to be stopped or thousands of people will suffer the consequences.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Biological reactions that are essential to life would take 2.3 billion years without enzymes

Richard Wolfenden had discovered in 1995 that the enzymes that help in building RNA and DNA actually play a larger part. He found that these reaction would have taken 78 million years. Now, he found that the enzymes power as a catalyst is even greater than that. Any biological reaction requires enzymes so that these reactions can take miliseconds. These reactions would take half the life of Earth without enzymes(30 times slower than in 1995). He also saw that the enzymes increase the reactions by a substantial factor(the difference between the diameter of bacteria and the distance from Earth to the Sun). "Without catalysts, there would be no life at all, from microbes to humans," he said. This information helps scientists understand how to speed up reactions, but not producing, or predicting their magnitude of power.

This could be a major breakthrough. They say that his work influenced medicine, too. When they are able to produce the magnitude of power that enzymes hold, it might cure diseases that are fatal. His findings may have helped the world.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Light drinking may not be a risk to unborn babies

Believe it or not, studies show that light drinking(one or two drinks a week) may not harm unborn children. Although, the government still say that mothers should not drink while pregnant, the findings proved that boys whose mothers were light drinkers had less conduct problems and were less likely to become hyperactive, and girls had a thirty percent less chance to have emotional problems. The British Medical Association argues saying that this study might cause mothers to develop a false sense of security and cause them to think that they were given a green light to drink. Their advice was to abstain from drinking while pregnant.

I think that mothers should not drink so they can prevent harming unborn children. It may be possible that light drinking would not harm them, but mothers should not take any chances. Besides, many intelligent people were not born to light drinkers.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Real "Bionic" Woman

A woman named Mitchell loses her arm in a motorcycle accident. Desperate to regain the use of her right arm, she tried using a prosthetic arm, but the amputation of her arm made it nearly impossible. She was losing hope of ever having a normal life when she discovered an experimental nerve surgery. The surgery was a success, Mitchell could have a normal life again. A few months after the surgery, she felt weird. She touched her chest, and her missing arm felt it. Doctors hope to make it to where if she grabbed a hot cup of coffee in her hand, she will feel a hot cup of coffee in her hand.
I think it is a waste of time to come up with a "bionic arm". People can do just as much with one arm as they can with two. There are more relevant issues such as people with cancer, the war in Iraq, poverty in Sudan, and many more. We should focus on the more important problems and then worry about our smaller issues.